Interactive Development (I.D)

What will I be doing?

Learning about Drama, Theatre,
Art, Writing Stories and more.

What days and times is it on?

The Programme changes often. Ring for information.

Does it cost anything?

It is Free.

Who do I need to talk to?

Melanie at ID on (0191) 281 9222

How do I get there?

Courses are held in lots of different places.

What sort of people go?

People with disabilities.

Get In Project

What will I be doing?

Learning how to perform on a stage - drama, dance, music, singing, clowning, and more.

What days and times is it on?

Some Mondays (all day) between July 4th.and September 26th.

Does it cost anything?

It is free but you have to book.

Who do I need to talk to?

"Grin and Bare It" (the theatre group) on 276 3375.

What sort of people go?

Disabled adults (with learning, physical or mental health disabilities).